Sunday, July 23, 2006

Call me crazy, but I want my in-laws to move closer

Yah... I've heard all the mother-in-law jokes. I've also heard my fair share of in-law horror stories. But, here's the twist - I actually really like my in-laws.

They are fun, low maintenence people with high spirits. They make me laugh. My mother-in-law makes all of my clothes smell really good for weeks. I'm not quite sure how she does that. And, even though they like their steaks well done, I think that they make some pretty dang good food!

I'd actually like it if I could see them more. But, they live in Buffalo and my husband and I live in Milwaukee.

I've been scheming how to get them to live closer. Truth be told - I know that this is very, very unlikely to happen. Even though they aren't the richest people in their bank account, they have a wealth of friends. Their phone is never silent for long.

Nevertheless, I often find myself driving around and thinking "now that would be a great house for them." I've even devised a plot to be able to afford a place for them!

If I ever succeed at getting them here - then my brother- and sister-in-law and their two adorable kids better be wary becuase they're next... And I'm already plotting on hot to get them here too!

With so many bad people in the world - I think you need to keep those you love as close as you can. It's the only protection you get against all the bad stuff.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

How many "pimps" wind up getting screwed?

So... I'm watching "Pimp My Ride" when I start thinking... there's no way that this car is going to last 5 days intact on the street. Within minutes, I just know that these cars are targeted for all their little TVs, rims, and other little expensive devices – after all, it's not like they don't stand out.

Show me the numbers.

How many people actually still have their "pimped" cars a year after the pimping?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

POOF - Instantly my house is worth 50% more

So - here's exactly what I've done to my house in the past few years... And, based on my unexpected hike in my tax assessment... here's what I figure my work is worth...

Painted the floor on half of the basement – $7,500.00
Painted the laundry room – $10,000
Repainted the basement rec room – $12,500
Created a new flower bed in the back yard – $15,000
Refinished the hardwood floors on the main floor – $20,000
Generally provided my aura to the house – $3,800
Total: $68,800

So- would anyone in their right mind pay this much for these home improvements? Apparently our Wauwatosa tax assessors would.

If I would've known this... I think I'd have stayed on the couch!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Have you seen "The Curse of the Were Rabbit"?

Here's one good reason to have a kid...(I'm sure that there are many more... but for this post, you get just one.)

You'll have a great excuse to see some of the best movies ever created. You may know them as "kid's movies".

As I write this I'm watching one of my latest favorites - "The Curse of the Were Rabbit". It's a Wallace & Grommit flick. I love it.

Sure - it's a kid's flick, but let's be honest. Do you think a kid is going to get the obscure references that the creators put in just for us adults. I certainly don't think so.

So- grab those kids (your own or someone elses), make some popcorn, and enjoy!

Or- if you're brave - go ahead and just watch it sans kids. I guarantee you'll feel like one anyway.

A tough love thought for all of us... especially bleeding heart liberals

I have a truism that I think would help us all a bit, if only we'd live it and teach it to each other...

When someone knocks you down, it's a terrible thing and certainly not of your own doing.

However, if you don't get back up, it's no one's fault but your own.

Monday, July 17, 2006

World of Warcraft Rocks My World

When I was a kid - I was a dweeb.

Now, as an adult, I've graduated to being a geek. (That is a step up, right?) And, I'm proud of it!

Wondering if you too are a geek? Here are a few signs...

1. You love World of Warcraft.

2. You know what brb, atm, omw, lmao, lol, afk, and lfg mean.

3. You know what a macro is and you've probably even set up a few of your own.

4. You seek out web sites where you can download new mods.

5. You have friends that you've never met.

6. A purple piece of code actually makes you excited when you get your hands (or mouse) on it.

If you've answered yes to any of the above, your probably a geek. If you've answered yes to multiple questions - Oh yah - You're a geek.

See you online!

What's it all for?

I work pretty hard in a day... No- I won't even try to claim that I'm the hardest working person. I am not. But, I do work pretty hard in a day.

So- when I come home and feel just exhausted from a day of stress and feel the crankiness in every bone in my body - I can't help but wonder... what's it all for?

Seriously- what am I working so hard for?

Sometimes I truly can't remember... and when I can remember - I can't help but wonder if it's worth it.

Just a thought.

Am I doing something wrong -- or does everyone feel like this sometimes?

Life's necessities in Waukesha are food, shelter and ... overpriced purses?

So, in aseemingly ever-increasing effort to break all ties with Milwaukee and never have to venture into the city, everything expensive seems to be moving West to Waukesha.

New luxury hospitals, incrediably expensive housing developments, retail, retail, and more retail. Now it looks like Von Maur, the very posh midwestern department store chain, is also going to be moving into Waukesha.

But, hold on - before you also pack up your bags and move West... there's just one crucial thing that Waukesha still will not have...


But- Waukesha doesn't seem to mind. I guess their thirst for overpriced purses is stronger than their need for water.

Well- while you Waukesha-ites continue to build your build your little utopia - I'll wait for the next time you cry "foul" about your situation.

It will happen again.

And, when it does - I'll toast to your rishes, your luxury utopia... and my lack of thirst.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

One good thing about growing up - Liking rock music and not giving a damn

So - I'm in my thirties- and I still learning things about myself.

My newest discovery... I really like rock music.

I've spent so many years - especially during those teen and early twenties - trying to figure out what was acceptable (aka - cool) that I could never really just get down to what it is that I like...

And I like Rock. You know... that stuff that makes many people cringe. Van Halen, Aerosmith, Skid Row (Oh My God... NO!), Def Leopard.

I think it's becuase I spend so much time being professional, fitting in, and dealing with all the junk in this society that I can do so very little about (politics, taxes, pollution, weeds) - it's nice to have some music that crashes it all into the wall.

It's not sad music, nor is it esoteric, self important, mellow, or trying to "fit in". It just is what it is - and it does it in a BIG way.

I like that.

Now... if only I could find someone to go see Sammy Hagar with me...

I like unreal movies... and why not?

I just came back from seeing "The Lake House". You know - that chick flick with Sandra Bullock & Keanu Reeves - where the two lead characters correspond while two years apart.

I know that everything about it just makes you go "huh?" I mean - when was the last time you got a letter from someone exactly two years ago... and continued to maintain that correspondance.

So - I know it's all just a bit wacky. But, here's the bottomline - I like it.

So much in life is serious. Mortgages, credit card bills, dog poop to scoop, laundry (which by the way I have to go do), dishes, headaches, back aches, dead batteries, mean people, and so much more.

If I can no longer believe the things that I used to as a kid -- if I only flapped my wings hard enough I could fly, unicorns exist - we just haven't found them, my teddy bears are real when no one is looking, and just the general "happily ever after" -- If I can no longer have that... At the very least, I want my entertainment to remind me of those things so that I don't lose them.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

How can you get respect — if you don't respect yourself?

Each and every day, I fight to learn about, understand, and debunk my own prejudices...

Then- I get detoured on my way to work through what many would call "the getto" and I saw yard after yard — back yards AND front yards — filled with litter.

I honestly don't understand why people litter or simply leave litter on their own yards.

You don't see that in any other neighborhoods. Whether you're in Mequon, Greendale, farms in rural Wisconsin, Franklin, South Milwaukee, West Allis, Wauwatosa, Bayview, Shorewood, the East side of Milwaukee, the south side of Milwaukee, and even downtown Milwaukee — If there's a home, the yard is not littered. I know too that if I see litter in my neighbors yards, I also pick that up on my way by.

What does it say about people when they litter their own homes? What am I to think of this?

Friday, July 14, 2006

My Dog & Her New Toy — A Statement on Humanity

So, I brought home a new toy last night for my dog, Bailey.

As soon as I walked in the door, she lit up and her nose flew directly to the little bag I was carrying with her new toy in it. (How do dogs always know when you have something for them?)

As I took out her new toy, she wagged her tail so hard she almost fell over. But, then- the bliss of having a new toy. But, wait, it was about to get a million times better when she discovered it squeeks!

For the next half an hour, she ran back and forth through the house squeeking the new toy, tossing it around, parading it by my husband and I, shoving it into the faces of our cats in order to growl at them for "trying to take it", and generally squeeking it some more.

At the end of the night, she took it to bed with her.

The best part - this toy only cost $2.50.

Now - here's what I was thinking this afternoon as she's playing with her new toy again...

Why can't people be this easy to please — or atleast half as appreciative of a random act of kindness?

Wanna know what would get me to join the armed forces?

I'm not quite sure why... but every time the those Navy or Air Force jets fly over my head, I become a kid again.

I was walking out of work today only to see a few of the Thunderbirds, who are in town for the Air Expo happening tomorrow, making practicing runs precariously close to our downtown buildings.

All I can say is WOW! Have you seen these things?!? I get chills when they zoom over my head.

It's a dang good thing I'm not 17 or 18. I'd probably run right over to the Air Force recruiting booth and sign my name on some dotted line.